"Little Miss Information"
collage and found objects on support
This assemblage “Little Miss Information” represents misinformation we receive from the media and the toll it can take on fragile, budding identities. The juxtaposition of the baby head and the fully formed mannikin gives the piece a feeling of uneasiness, stimulating a continuing dialogue of the psychological damage that self-serving, unattainable and hypersexualized images can make. The form wears a collage of clippings from fashion magazines but represents all media. The collar, tape measure and ball stress the weight of self-objectification.
This assemblage “Little Miss Information” represents misinformation we receive from the media and the toll it can take on fragile, budding identities. The juxtaposition of the baby head and the fully formed mannikin gives the piece a feeling of uneasiness, stimulating a continuing dialogue of the psychological damage that self-serving, unattainable and hypersexualized images can make. The form wears a collage of clippings from fashion magazines but represents all media. The collar, tape measure and ball stress the weight of self-objectification.